AAC EPIC Excellence Awards -



Join the AAC in celebrating our 20th Anniversary by acknowledging the contribution of members to the Association and the profession.

AAC is committed to recognising the efforts of its many dedicated members, volunteers and industry sponsors, who demonstrate excellence in commitment, achievement, leadership, teamwork, customer service and professionalism within the profession and the industry.

The Awards are structured to recognise emerging professionals in certification, acknowledging potential and future leaders.

Applications for the 2023 Excellence Awards are now open.

The 2023 Excellence Awards will be celebrated at the 2023 EPIC Conference, 17 March, 2023 at Rydges, Newcastle.

Who can nominate?

  • You must be an AAC member to nominate and/or to be a nominee.
  • You can self-nominate or nominate another individual member.

Recipients will be notified of their nomination.


  • The nominee MUST be under 35 years of age, OR
  • Building Inspector or Building Surveyor - restricted (all classes) or not yet Registered or unrestricted for less than 2 years (TOTAL time registered), OR
  • Certifier with any category of registration with less than 2 years being registered or not yet registered for a category of registration.


How to nominate

The online‘nomination form’ must be used to make your nomination.


You will be asked to provide a supporting statement of your nominee, which summarises rationale of how the nominee meets the Award criteria and any other factors/qualities such as: qualifications/training, employment history, details of extra-curricular activities and achievements, including AAC or industry participation.

Your rationale for the nomination should be no longer than one (1) page and should address the Award criteria below.

Young Achiever

The future of our profession rests on the shoulders of emerging professionals. The Young Achiever of the Year Award acknowledges one outstanding individual who has demonstrated incredible potential or achievement in their chosen area.

The individual selected will embody the highest standards of professionalism, be a role-model for their peers and be capable of making an outstanding contribution to the profession in the course of their future career.

Nominees must be able to demonstrate a focus on the future, demonstrate inspirational leadership, enterprise, drive, and commitment. A record of personal achievements and contributions that are above and beyond the requirements of paid employment will also be taken into consideration.


  • Provide a summary outlining the nominee’s contributions and achievements
    • Career highlights
    • Examples of inspirational leadership and teamwork
    • Personal characteristics, achievements, challenges overcome
    • Describe the nominee’s contributions to the Association and or profession to date
    • Describe at least one instance where the nominee has shown initiative and commitment in the work environment
    •  What impact has the nominee made to the workplace, industry or community, including any aspects outside of paid employment
Future Leader

The Future Leader Award was created to recognise a high-performing practitioner with outstanding leadership attributes and a thirst for knowledge and improvement.

The award recipient demonstrates strong leadership potential among their peers, who has displayed an exceptional aptitude and vision.



  1. Leadership - is easily described as an exemplary individual who exhibits strong leadership potential, personal integrity, insists on ethical professional practices, maintains high personal expectations, demonstrates a positive attitude and demeanour toward others
  2. Broad minded and inclusive in work interactions with others
  3. Innovation
  4. Professional development
  5. Contribution to the organisation / team / profession / industry
  6.  Contribution beyond the professional role (e.g., to the community)
Champion of Change - Female Leadership

The Champion of Change – Female Leadership Award recognises a female professional who has demonstrated leadership capabilities and/or is championing change within her organisation, the Association or in the broader industry.

A role model, who has excelled in her profession/workplace, and in doing so, affects lasting change and is an inspiration to others.


  1. Leadership in championing change, provide an example
  2. Role model to peers, examples of engagement and or collaboration
  3. Examples of continued professional and personal development
  4.  Examples of other contributions, impact on others that leadership, empowerment and or change
Service Excellence within Local Government

The Service Excellence within Local Government Award encourages, promotes, and recognises best practice in service excellence within local government rewarding outstanding innovation, certification practice and teamwork.


  1. Exceptional service which advances the goals of Building and Development Certification related to the Local Government sector
  2. Exemplary character and ongoing championing of the Local sector
  3. Significant contributions to the community through Local Government
  4.  Outstanding achievements and / or significant contributions in the advancement of the position and value of AAC within the wider community
Emerging Professional in Private Practice

The Emerging Professional in Private Practice Award recognises the achievements of an emerging, young professional who has been outstanding in all aspects of their training and professional work as a Certifier.

The nominee will have demonstrated an outstanding level of performance at work over the past 12 months in a manner that sets them apart from other individuals of similar experience.


  1. Detail current position/role
  2. Career overview detailing qualifications, professional accomplishments, extra-curricular activities, and other achievements including AAC and or broader industry participation
  3. Describe a program, project or initiative that the nominee has been involved with which has either benefited or made a difference in their local community/organisation
  4. Any contribution to the industry & or leadership
  5. If self-nominating - Personal-development and goals for the next 2-5 years

Regional Certifier of Merit

The Regional Certifier of Merit Award encourages, promotes, and recognises best practice in residential and commercial building certification across regional New South Wales, rewarding outstanding innovation and teamwork, regionally and in remote areas that demonstrate collaboration with diverse partners and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.


  1. Show proven contribution to the regional community through projects, initiatives, activities, and teamwork
  2. Examples of how the nominee displays initiative and innovation
  3. Discuss barriers and difficulties overcome in delivery of projects
  4. Describe short and long-term project objectives
  5.  If self–nominating – demonstrate areas of self-development
Individual Excellence and Innovation

The Individual Excellence and Innovation Award is intended to recognise an individual member for excelling in their early career and displaying initiative, creativity and innovation within their work environment.


  1. Proactively assumes responsibility for new projects
  2. Demonstrated examples of how their work has combined the highest professional, ethical and industry standards to deliver superior results and outcomes for clients and stakeholders
  3. Demonstrates exceptional talents in creating effective processes and methods to solve problems and overcome barriers for project outcomes
  4. Demonstrated substantial contribution to certification/ business practice/ project through research, guidelines, program development or other activities relevant to career
  5. Development and implementation of an innovative initiative, activity, service, program, or project
  • Description of why this approach was used over more conventional approaches
  • Was any innovative outcome achieved?
  • How was technology applied to deliver the outcome?
  • Any smart information technology applied for document control and communication to enhance productivity?
  • Demonstrated outcomes, gains and quantifiable impact or benefits achieved for the Association / firm / client
  • Display evidence of positive influence

Meritorious Member

This Meritorious Member Award recognises an individual committee member through their engagement and collaborative approach that has positively impacted the broader membership.


  1. Demonstrated Committee engagement, usually entails additional hours of work beyond what others have contributed
  2. Displayed an exemplary collaborative approach
  3. Served on a AAC Committee for at least 12 months (current or prior service)
  4.  Contributed to education and training on a broader platform other than just committee membership

What happens to nominations?

Closing date for nominations is Friday, 10 March 2023 at 11:59pm

These nominations will be assessed by the Conference Committee against Award criteria. Identifying information will be removed for short listing purposes. The top three nominations will be deemed “shortlisted finalists” and forwarded to the AAC Board for determination and approval of the Award recipient.

Applications that are incomplete at the deadline for submission or arrive after the closing date will not be considered for evaluation. Nominations will only be accepted on the prescribed online form.


Nominations Open

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Nominations Close

Friday, 10 March 2023

Awards Announcement

Friday, 17 March 2023

NB: Disclosure - AAC’s Board of Directors has adopted a position affirming the right to grant, defer or decline an award / award nomination including a leadership position, to any person, where a credible question of unethical behaviour exists.  The AAC expects all recipients of awards to embody the highest standards of professional and personal ethical behaviour, conduct and reputation.

All finalists will be announced on 17 March 2023.  Only the AAC staff will be aware of the final winners in each category.

Award Recipients

Award winners will be announced at the 2023 EPIC Conference and published in AAC communications.


Please direct questions regarding the nomination or submission process should be directed to Terri Mathews, Events and Education Manager via [email protected] or 0411 932 554 or 1300 735 935.