Zoe Brown

What is your name?

Zoe Brown

How old are you?


Who do you work for?

Credwell Consulting

How long have you been a Registered Certifier?

I’ve been in the construction industry for 9 years.
I’ve been registered as a Building Surveyor- Unrestricted (A1) since June 2021.

How has 2021 been for you professionally?

Full of new experiences and opportunities.

After a gruelling eight-month assessment and response process with NSW Fair Trading, earlier this year I was finally granted registration as a Building Surveyor – Unrestricted (A1).

From there I found that I needed a change from certification and moved into the realm of consulting with Credwell.

In the past two months I’ve taken the lead of a new office located in Newcastle, which is a big leap forward in my career. It is an opportunity that I never imagined for 2021 but I am stoked to be a part of it.

What do you enjoy about being a Registered Certifier?

I love being apart of the construction industry and having influence over multiple projects at one time. I get a lot of satisfaction out of seeing a project come to life.
The role provides a great balance between onsite inspections, design meetings and reporting, meaning that I am able to converse and learn from a wide range of people and professions.

What are some of the challenges you’ve encountered?

The application and assessment process for my registration with NSW fair trading was really challenging. The level of justification for every minor project detail was exhausting and really pushed my patience.  At one stage I was ready to give up because of all the unnecessary red tape. But I’m glad I pushed through it because it has really paid off.

Starting a new job in lockdown was also interesting. I didn’t meet all my colleagues until about 3 months into the role.

What are some of the lessons you’ve learnt throughout the year?

I found the importance of having the right support network within the industry, and the value of networking.

Through the assessment process with fair trading, I had to undertake work experience at a residential certifier’s office to boost my experience on class 1 projects, as I worked for a commercial certifying office. Without the connections I’ve made through the AAC EPIC committee, this would not have been possible, and I was very grateful to have been offered that opportunity that let me gain my registration.

What are you looking forward to in 2022?

Having just moved back to my home town, Newcastle, to lead the new Credwell office, I’m excited to settle in and grow the business up here. I’m really looking forward to challenging myself as I evolve into the new role, and of course, I’m keen to get involved in some great new projects!